Welcome to Holy Angels' Sr. Sec. School, Sahibabad

The school is run by the Registered Society of St. Paul's Educational and Charitable Society, Ghaziabad of the Franciscan Capuchin Missionaries of Krist Jyoti Province of North India. We hold up to our pupils the sublime motto, "Lightened to Enlighten"and lead them towards enlightenment.
Admission is open to all students irrespective of caste or creed. The school is affiliated to the COUNCIL FOR THE INDIAN SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS, NEW DELHI and prepares students for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE).
Today, Holy Angels’ Sr. Sec. School with more than 2600 students and over 100 staff on roll is one of the most prestigious and well sought after Co- Educational institutions in the Western Uttar Pradesh of North India. Situated at Sahibabad about 5 Kms to the North East of Delhi it has been catering to the educational needs of a large population living in the National Capital Region (NCR) belonging to different religious and linguistic background. Ever since its inception the school has been relentlessly striving for the actualization of its vision namely “Lightened to Enlighten.”
The school which has grown today to great heights had a very humble and insignificant beginning. From Bilaspur (U.P) Fr. Hyacinth a missionary priest belonging to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins (OFM Cap.) reached Sahibabad on 16 May 1975. In the simplicity and limitations of a rented house - 31-B Shyam Park Extension, Sahibabad, Holy Angels’ Sr. Sec. School had its birth on 17 July 1975 in the presence of just 6 kids and a lady teacher on roll.
Fr. Hyacinth the founder recalls the opening day of the school, “Yes, after hectic and frantic running about in connection with a good teacher, the class room furniture etc, finally the school opened on 17th July, with just 6 kids on the register of admissions. Think of that! What a disappointing and shattering blow to my expectations and conjectures of 40 or 45 children. In fact I had as many applications for the post of teachers as those of children …but by December in the same year the number rose to 25. Meanwhile from September 1975 I had been approaching the Ghaziabad Improvement Trust for allocating to us a suitable plot of land for building a school…”
His efforts bore fruit on 10th December 1976 when the G.I.T presently known as G.D.A, allocated 1.75 acres of land in Sector – III Rajender Nagar for the School. Thus Holy Angels’ began to stretch its roots and branches in its own soil. The people of Sahibabad will ever remain indebted to its great founder Fr. Hyacinth OFM Cap, for his vision, hard work, determination, selfless service and love for the people.
The growth of that little venture with 6 students and 1 teacher has been so fast that in 1985 the Govt. of U.P. granted N.O.C and in March 1986 the school was affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination through the then Principal Fr. Mathew Thazhathuveetil. Under his guidance, the first batch of I.C.S.E students came out with 100% pass in 1987.
With an ever increasing rush of admissions the negotiation began for the allocation of an additional adjacent plot of land of 3 acres. Through the relentless efforts of Fr. Paul Kudapuzha, Fr. Mathew Ullat and Fr. Jose Kollannor of happy memory the plot was allotted in 1992 and the lease deed was signed on 11 April 1997. Today we have a spacious play ground and a beautiful Silver Jubilee Memorial Block built under the able guidance of Fr. John Prakash who held the rein for nine years. Holy Angels School with its competent and committed staff, imposing buildings, well equipped Library, Audio Visual Room, Chemistry Lab., Phycics Lab., Biology Lab.and Computer Lab, spacious play grounds and amble facilities for the Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, moral and holistic development of every child is - the pride of Sahibabad.
Here is a flash back to highlight and place on record the names of some of the personalities who carried forward the dream, contributing their share.